2008: England

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We returned Saturday and it’s taken until now to go through my pictures and provide some order and assessment. While the bulk of my time there was spent at the conference we were able to spend a day touring the Isle of White and one day on the golf course at Winchester South.

It was different travelling to Europe and finding the locals speaking English, albeit in some archaic form.

One of the first places we visited was the Battlefield at Hastings. It’s one of those places where history changed. To emphasize that point, James Burk wrote in Connections something along the lines If the Normans didn’t have stirrups we’d all be speaking Saxon.

Visit to the Battle Field at Hastings

Battlefield at Hastings

The south coast of the Isle of White was one of our destinations on our second day:

Beach & Coastal path at Ventnor, Isle of White

Looking out on to the English Channel from Ventnor, Isle of White

South Coast of the Isle of White

Chalk Cliffs Near Yarmouth, Isle of White

Crossing from Yarmouth to Lymington UK

Sail boats traversing the passage between Yarmouth and Lymington

Winchester Catherdral

Winchester Cathedral dates back to Saxon times

A Tour through Winchester Cathedral

Interior of Winchester Cathedral


Stonehenge at dusk, just before the druids arrived.

Wykham Inn

Wykham Inn, a restaurant/Pub

Walk along the Ichen River

Swan along the Ichen River, Winchester

Links to related posts:

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