Month: December 2009
Christmas Lights
in: PhotographyIt’s that time of year, when the lights come out. Not that I’m one to follow such traditions. The kids are gone. Generally when the time is right the temperature is low and the wind is high. The motivation is low. But, I can certainly enjoy the work of others. Panasonic DMC-G1, Konica 50mm f/1.4,…
Site Stats
I periodically look at the usage statistics for my blog: Operating Systems Browsers Locations Sources of Traffic Top search terms I’m less popular than my camera (the G1) but more popular than sulze. Quite a wide range.
In 5 years After
in: ConferenceEric Schmidt offered his views at a recent Gartner Symposium. A snippet of the complete interview covering his views of 5 years out is below: His comments may stir different interests amon each listener. For me they were: As always, it’s good to be reminded of some well-known facts: five years is a factor of…
in: ReviewThe Rand Corporation recently published a monograph on cyberwarfare Cyberdeterrence and Cyberwar (240 pages). Cyberspace is its own medium with its own rules. Cyberattacks, for instance, are enabled not through the generation of force but by the exploitation of the enemy’s vulnerabilities. Permanent effects are hard to produce. The medium is fraught with ambiguities about…
Making Space
I got notice this morning of a firmware update for one of my lenses. Version 1.4. My lens is now current. Weekends are the time to do errands. The bookshelves were overflowing and it was time to move some of the books down into the basement “archive.” The Encyclopaedia took the lottery and down it…