Fine Art Nature Photography

I’m taking a photography course.  Fine Art Nature Photography.  I figure I can learn something.  I tend to be too technical; not enough feel.  I play golf that way too.  The instructions for the first lesson asked us to think about what resonates with our own individual sense of like and dislike.  I began exploring my preferences and without my appreciation my thoughts drifted away from that to whether one could include man-made objects in Nature Photography. A vastly different question having nothing to do with the first. Probably some measure thrown up by my mind to protect myself from thinking too deeply about my feelings. I’m sure understanding ones own likes and dislikes is important, but apparently my mind doesn’t want me to spend too much time on it as when I do I am quickly distracted to another line of thought.  

In any case, the line of reasoning ended along these lines: to exclude them would suggest man is not a part of nature.  I suspect this may be a point of diverging opinions.  

When one lives in a city nature tends to be structured into compartments and managed.  I’m sure there is an acceptable limit on inclusion,  for example, many of the examples of Nature Photograph I have seen include garden flowers, paths through woodlands, etc. which expose some indirect if not explicit artifacts of human endeavour.  Like so many other things it is likely a matter of degree.  So in the spirit of finding the matter of degree I submitted the following photograph as part of my first assignment. We will see.  May be the message is stronger than content.  But then, that’s the objective.

Leica M9, Leica Summicron-M 50mm f/2.0, ISO 160, f/4.0, 1/750 sec.


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