Site Update: Blog

I’ve been troubled by the horrendous URL for my blog (  It reflects the date when I migrated from my Blogger-hosted site to this one.  I probably should have fixed the URL then, but I didn’t.  

I’ve bit the bullet and created a new section with the simpler more intuitive URL ( The old blog entries will remain available under the Blog (Archive) banner in the menu bar as well as the footer of the new blog.  While I dislike the clutter the renamed entry makes in the menu bar, I’ll suffer that irritation for some period of time until the new blog builds to a critical mass.    

I’m not quite sure I’m ready to reflect too deeply on what it is within my psyche that drives me to make this change.  But if I just skin the surface of such a contemplation I find it driven by a deep-rooted urge to simplify and to make consistent.  This is a satisfying answer, one consistent (or contrived) with what I think I like to do, and therefore I will consider it no more deeply.  These goals are manifest in the style of this site; it is something I am trying to accomplish in my photography (albeit a long road).  It is an urge which some may refer to as being Bred in the Bone.  

But regardless of the temporary annoyance of a redundant menu entry, I feel that I have overcome one more needless complication and as such life is now just that much better.  


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