Year: 2016
Book Project: #13 Clouds
in: PhotographySo many thoughts: themes, contrasts; words; symbols … Organizing and making sense of it all; getting the confusion under control is a challenge. I’ve created word clouds to pull things together; to help me abstract out the essence.
Book Project: #12 What’s the Title?
in: PhotographyI need a title. It will set the context for the reader. For me too. My working title is “The Impact of Globalization on Local Cultures: Or How I learnt to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.” The subtitle is taken from Dr. Strangelove. It will need to change, but it’s a start and it will…
Book Project: #11 The Spine
in: PhotographyI was reading Sheila Curran Bernard’s work Documentary Storytelling where she refers to the notion of narrative spine: that single thread that drives the film forward from beginning to end. I think I need to create a spine; something that will guide the reader through and hold things together. The spine can further act as…
Book Project: #10 It’s Getting Complicated
in: PhotographyI was reading an article by Melanie Friend: Representing Immigration Detainees: The Juxtaposition of Image and Sound in Border Country published in Forum: Qualitative Social Research, Vol. 11 No.2 Art. 33, May 2010 and I was struck by how she was able to simplify a complex issue into a form both simple in concept and impactful…
Book Project: #9 Semiotics
in: PhotographyI was reading Photography: A Critical Introduction, by Liz Wells and the topic of Semiotics was presented in the context of photography: “American semiotician C.S. Peirce further distinguished between iconic, indexical and symbolic codes. Iconic codes are based on resemblance, for instance a picture of someone or something; indexical codes are effects with specific causes,…