Year: 2016

  • Polar Bear Dip

    Polar Bear Dip

    January 1st is the date for the annual Toronto Polar Bear Dip. It takes place at Sunnyside Beach, on Lake Ontario.   The event is run in support of Habitat for Humanity, with sponsorship from a number of local businesses and private donations. This year, I was told, the event attracted about 500 registrants and…

  • Citidiot


    Citidiot [Cit-ee-uht] Noun citidiot, plural citidiots1. Someone from an urban area who moves to a rural area. They come in masses, seemingly over night and ruin small town life.  2. Someone from an urban area who visits a rural area for an extended vacation (e.g., summer period) and disrupts local life through drunkenness, crashing vehicles, …