Ship Shots


Walking along a Bahamian beach, looking out to sea, several different images of the ship presented themselves.  Most looked like travel magazine shots, so I decided to explore that theme.  

My foundational assumption was the purpose of a travel-magazine photograph is to sell a location or activity.  Recognising that there are many different types of travel (adventure; sports; interest, for example) each with their own points to highlight, I characterized the cruise as R&R-type travel.  Something where everything is taken care of for you; there are no worries; comfortable; lots of food. I surmised that part of the sell is to separate in the viewer’s mind what they see in the photograph from their daily experience.  

Certainly objects in the photograph — beach, boat, palms — can do that but a feel needs to be conveyed as well.  Elements to promote a distinction: exotic; idyllic; unhurried; restful, etc. I approached the task through composition (of the photograph) and post processing.  Composition captured the elements of the theme: beach; warmth; exotic; isolation or exclusivity (last shot). Post processing — to make the photographs more visually appealing — is slightly saturated and warmed to provide emphasis and strengthen the senses being conveyed.


Having said tall that, these are not particularly exceptional shots; I’m sure there are millions like them.  But there ones that I haven’t taken before, and I felt the need to do so.  


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