Year: 2020

  • Monumental Tensions

    Monumental Tensions

    “Adolphus Egerton Ryerson (1803–1882) was a Canadian Methodist minister, educator, politician, and public education advocate in early Ontario.” (Wiki,ER)  Ryerson helped found several institutions, which later evolved into ones known today:  the Royal Ontario Museum; Victoria College as part of the University of Toronto; the Ontario College of Art & Design; the Ontario Agricultural College and the University of…

  • What’s in a statue?

    What’s in a statue?

    “We may recognize in the legendary Alfred the product of many hundreds of years of English history, and indeed it is this that gives the legend its particular and abiding interest [4,356].” The statue of Alfred the Great in Winchester, England, was commemorated in 1901 to celebrate the thousandth anniversary of his death. Seeing the…

  • American Exceptionalism

    American Exceptionalism

    Exceptionalism is the perception or belief that a species, country, society, institution, movement, individual, or time period is “exceptional” (i.e., unusual or extraordinary). The term carries the implication, whether or not specified, that the referent is superior in some way. Though the idea appears to have developed with respect to an era, today it is…

  • Monuments


    The recent Black Lives Matter protests have taken a turn to attacking the statues of prominent historical figures [1] [2]. The issue they raise is that many of these monuments promote only a progressive narrative, but rarely do they disclose the “dark side”, such as involvement in the slave trade, the creation of residential schools,…

  • I caught COVID-19 From a Toilet Seat


    Louie Gohmert’s comment about catching COVID-19 as a result of wearing a mask has received some attention. “I can’t help but wonder if by keeping a mask on and keeping it in place, if I might have put some… of the virus on the mask and breathed it in… Louie Gohmert, East Texas Congressman Public…