On the Question of Half Full or Half Empty


I used to be a cup-half-full type of guy.  Now I see the cup as half empty.

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The reason for the change is that when people characterize something as half full, they tend to see only the good and ignore the bad or leave it unsaid.  For the usually humdrum things I face in my simple existence hovering between ordinary and mediocre, with occasional flashes of unremarkable, this is certainly my preferred way of looking at the world.  It gives me hope.  

The troubles is this same attitude can be used to justify horrible things.  Sure, Adolph Hitler murdered 6 million people, but hey, he built the autobahn … Sure, Xi Jinping has locked up thousands of people in concentration camps, vertically integrated with crematoria, but no shit, he looks like a Teddy Bear … Ya, Trump may be totally out for himself, doesn’t give a shit about anyone else, is willing let hundreds of thousands of Americans die, but what the fuck, he’s getting conservative judges on the bench.

You see the problem.

When you see the cup as half empty, the good is never voiced, leaving the horrid to stand alone.


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