Year: 2022
Rumtopf #2
My wife came home this morning from the market with a wide selection of fresh fruits … thank you globalized, season-less food chain. We washed and chopped, and filled the Rumtopf to the top. I’ll set a reminder for June 24th when this batch should be ready.
Rumtopf Started
Starting the Rumtopf marks the beginning of preparations for next Christmas. First ingredient: apples. In this globalized economy of food sources seasons are no longer gates.
Putin Said …
It would be ironic that the Russian landscape that defeated Napoleon and Hitler will now defeat Putin. *** “Ukraine’s farmers now have the fifth-largest army in Europe — or so goes a dark joke on the internet, a reference to all the captured Russian military equipment they’ve towed off the battlefield.”[1] *** It’s hard to cut through the…
Power to the People
This information war we are currently experiencing, as part of Putin’s incursion, whose combatants are the various governments, news agencies, pundits, etc. is a battle for public opinion. The military assets are [factual] information, dis-information and censorship. While it may be sad to think that the one with the most “likes” wins, there is a…
The Big Hope
I’m finding it trying to follow the news of this “Putin’s War”. It’s not just the carnage and savagery we are able to witness each day, each hour, each minute, but it has provoked an immediacy, a visceral connection by putting images of the present to the stories of the past told by my parents…