Year: 2022

  • Creating Mindsets

    Creating Mindsets

    One always needs to be cautious about what they read in news reports. In a recent article, “China’s War Against Taiwan has Already Started” in The Atlantic Magazine, author and Staff Writer Anne Applebaum recounts…

  • The Case For Trump
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    The Case For Trump

    The human body is an incredible machine, in its function, integration, adaptability, and resilience. Yet for all the good it is and it can do, they all produce shit. Shit can be the conveyer of…

  • Dishwasher


    Our dishwasher sensed a leak and shut itself down. The machine’s response to this event is in itself interesting and prompts several questions, including: how did the dishwasher sense the leak? How is it that…

  • Tea and Sympathy

    Tea and Sympathy

    Friday we visited the Ontario Legislative Building for a tour followed by a high tea. The tour started in the front hall of the building. From there we went to the second floor into the…