Category: A Day in the Life

This subject covers things (often events) related to every-day life. They are not necessarily profound, but simply things that just happen.

  • As seen on one web site


    Security Policy requires passwords to have the following characteristics: At least 8 alphanumeric characters long. Contain both upper and lower case characters (e.g., a-z, A-Z). Have digits (e.g., 0-9) Have punctuation characters (e.g., !@#$%^&*()_+|~-=`{}[]:”;'<>?,./). Any idea what a memorable password might be that complies with those guidelines? Thank God for post-it notes that can be…

  • Anatomy of a Box


    It all starts with this, a simple box.Cardboard was invented by the Chinese in the early part of the 15th century[1]. The first commercial cardboard box was produced in England in 1817. The first patent registration of corrugated cardboard was made in England in 1856 by Edward Healy and Edward Allen. At that time corrugated…

  • Stremnaya: The Road of Death

    Stremnaya: The Road of Death

    A friend sent me the following series of pictures of a highway in Bolivia, called Stremnaya, or may be not…you can read some background text on the road here. Impressive pictures regardless of where they really are. Update: Dec. 10, 2006: Rick McCharles supports the argument the pictures are from Guoliang China (see here) Other…

  • SEA: Seattle Airport

    SEA: Seattle Airport

    Albeit a nice airport, I’d prefer to be in the plane, in the air. My flight is delayed. So far almost 2 hours. But, on the bright side, SEA has wireless access so I am able to complete my blog entries. Some consolation. Update (1:09 EST): Flight has been further delayed … I’m getting hungry…

  • How will I die?

    How will I die?

    Well, that cannot be answered in definitive terms, but certainly the probable causes can be stated and it is these that are summarized in a report from the National Safety Council (click on the image to enlarge). Of course, the report cautions that the odds given below are statistical averages over the whole U.S. population…