Category: A Day in the Life

This subject covers things (often events) related to every-day life. They are not necessarily profound, but simply things that just happen.

  • Weekend Memories Fade

    Weekend Memories Fade

    We celebrated multiple birthdays this weekend; my son’s, my wife’s and our friend’s. The roses were part of our dinner table Saturday night. If you double click the photograph you should be able to get the full image.

  • Preparing for Halloween

    Preparing for Halloween

    It’s getting close to that time of year: Halloween, and that means time to cut the pumpkin. Unfortunately I won’t be here this year, but for those of you with children of the appropriate age or who remain children regardless of your physical age, take a look at this site: Villafane Studios

  • 1979

    in: ,

    In 1979 I graduated and started my first “real” job. Among other things that came with the job was an identification card. I found it the other day.

  • News Readers


    For those who don’t use a news reader to survey the blogsphere, do. It makes keeping current with changes to the web sites you regularly visit much easier. The news reader does this by pulling together summaries of updates to all the sites that you subscribe to. If there are no updates since the last…