Category: A Day in the Life
This subject covers things (often events) related to every-day life. They are not necessarily profound, but simply things that just happen.
The Doughnut hawks
Each morning after completing my exercise duties at the club, I go over to Rabba Fine Foods to collect a couple of apples. But should weather permit, I take a little detour and stroll along Sherlock Holmes Walk. The walk was so named on September 12, 2001. Unlike the usual sidewalks, this one is not…
A Christmas Carol
As the sun climbed above the tree tops this morning, filling the cool crisp air with light, I walked down Park Avenue, past the 19th century red-brick homes, with their slate roofs gently sprinkled with a light dusting of icing-sugar-like snow. It was like December, but it’s April.
Internal Design
I’ve completed a first draft of the bedroom redesign. This now represents our requirements so as we look for shelving products we have a benchmark; this will represent an integral part of the RFP. The plan is to join our master bedroom with the adjacent bedroom using the latter as closet space. This will allow…