Category: A Day in the Life
This subject covers things (often events) related to every-day life. They are not necessarily profound, but simply things that just happen.
Sinuous Rills
The sun is out, expected high of 9C; there was a deep frost last night. Frost seems like an autumn event, not something suitable for the Spring. I’m listening to the Rolling Stones, the Spider and the Fly on Their Satanic Majesties Request. Today’s to do’s include finalizing plans for changes we want to make…
Fountain of Hope
It has come time to comment. Recently, radical elements in blogsphere have commented on my optimistic predictions related to the opening of the golf season. To provide some context, I organized a fund raising event to guess the opening day of golf at a specific course; the winner would collect 50% of the pot. While…
Towards an End
GIMP is an Open Source, freeware, graphics editing program. It runs under X Windows, or just “X” for short (as Grant Edwards points out “It is considered tres uncool to call it X Windows” [1]). I realized I needed X (being cool, I call it X now) when I double-clicked on the GIMP Icon and…
It’s the journey
There are many instances in the daily experience which demonstrate that it is the journey that matters, what manifests the bulk of the reward, if not only on a personal level, rather than the end result. Such a point of view is encouraged by popular lore that says “it’s not whether you win or lose,…
On eBay
I’m really not sure what to make of this … but you can buy one on eBay for $6.50