Category: A Day in the Life
This subject covers things (often events) related to every-day life. They are not necessarily profound, but simply things that just happen.
A Day in the Life: Clouds forming
As I reported earlier, I’ve started to grow a beard; a goatee actually. My wife asked if I would be trimming it; there were several detailed questions on how I would do that, whether by scissors, razor, etc. I sense something deeper here.
A Day in the Life: Dinner with my Aunt
We had dinner with my aunt Caroyn this evening. She is five years older than me. When I was 5 she used to defend me and my brother from the bullies up the street. My how things have changed[1].
Observations: How Rich Are You?
A blog I watch included an article containing a link to a site that will report your “position on the [world’s] ‘richlist’” or more aptly put your income relative to others in the world. It is not without humour: Sorry, if you earn less than $90 a year we are unable to calculate your position…