Observations: How Rich Are You?


A blog I watch included an article containing a link to a site that will report your “position on the [world’s] ‘richlist’” or more aptly put your income relative to others in the world. It is not without humour:

Sorry, if you earn less than $90 a year we are unable to calculate your position on the richlist.

If this is the case you would be one of the billions of people who earn less than $2 a day. Typically you would also not have access to a computer or an Internet connection.

If you are earning less than $90 a year it’d be unfair to ask you to donate money to Care International, if however, you actually earn more than this it may be worth re-calculating your position

In particular, note the subtle questioning of the veracity of the input provided in the statement “Typically you would also not have access to a computer or an Interent connection.”


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