Category: Travel

This subject covers items related to travel.

  • Arrival in Arequipa

    Arrival in Arequipa

    As usual, on arriving in Arequipa, we were greeted with the friendly smile of the local tour guide and driver.  From the bus terminal they took us to our hotel.   All our hotels had been paid in advance. When we arrived in Lima we were given a package of hotel vouchers.  The normal procedure,…

  • Bus to Arequipa

    Bus to Arequipa

    The bus left Nasca two minutes early. I guess everyone had checked in so off we went. The route to Arequipa is along the Pan American Highway. While in the Lima area this is a four lane highway, by Paracas it’s down to two lanes. After Nasca, as we entered the mountains, those two lanes…

  • Nasca Aqueducts & Chacilla Cemetry

    Nasca Aqueducts & Chacilla Cemetry

    The aqueducts draw water from the mountains and deliver it some 20 kms to the Nasca valley.  Built about 1000AD they are still in use. The engineering is quite remarkable. The acqueducts are largely underground.  Every few meters (the distance seems vary between 10 and 20 meters) there are air holes that allow the water…

  • Nasca Market

    Nasca Market

    Linda likes to visit markets, usually food markets.  I think it represents a balance between the need to shop and the need to buy useful things. For me they are colourful and generally offer interesting photographs.  

  • Nasca Lines

    Nasca Lines

    The Nasca Lines are a collection of glyphs etched into the plains at Nasca. They are quite large.  The best–only–way to see them is from the air. It is for this reason that Erich Von Däniken the well-know author, “scientist” and crackpot, claimed these lines were prepared to guide alien visitors arriving at this planet some…