Category: Travel

This subject covers items related to travel.

  • Another Rain Day

    Another Rain Day

    This has been a rather wet and cool month. All the better to prepare for Cuba.

  • Cuba

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    Next Saturday, we’re off to Cuba to stay for one week at Meliá Las Américas. We have selected the golf package, which offers three rounds of golf for each of us. I’m preparing my reading list, as I don’t think we’ll be touring around very much. We did that last time. In reading the reports…

  • Helsinki

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    Carolyn returned today after competing in the Svoli Games held in Helsinki. A long journey home, stretching about 12 hours. The team left Helsinki at 7:15 AM local time, with a stop-over in Frankfurt, and arrived in Toronto at 12:49. While not the best quality video, you can get a sense of what is involved…

  • Trip to Chicago: Arrived YYZ


    We are at the gate. Although a long drive, we arrived without pause. A longer than usual flight. Punctuated now by a long walk to customs, baggage claime (where I packed all my liquids, gells and oinkments) and then a drive home. I was in Chicago to attend a meeting. The company we were meeting…

  • Trip to Chicago: ORD


    The plane is moving again. We’re next for departure