Category: Conference
A review or comment on a conference I attended
Gartner Enterprise Architecture Summit 2006-The Vendor Showcase
Most conferences these days have a vendor exhibition. This one is no different. Many of the vendors offer give-aways, usually pens, mice, sometimes golf balls, USB hubs etc. This year a popular hook was a draw for an iPod. One vendor was handing out loot bags full of goodies. I grabbed one and retreated to…
Gartner Enterprise Architecture Summit 2006-Day 1
in: ConferenceToday is the first day of the conference. Some statistics: over 500 attendees 87 percent are end users 8 percent are vendors 13 sponsors: theme: taking the next steps with EA No word on what the remaining 5% are. The future of Innovation and Value Creation: Coimbatore Krishnan Prahalad (aka CK)CK Prahalad’s message was…
SAF: Pensent d’escalier
in: ConferenceThe Forum left me with two nagging questions: What was Ray Lane talking about? Why is Microsoft pressing software + service? Ray has some reasonable credentials [1, 2, 3, 4], however, I found his presentation scattered at best, and thus was unable to appreciate the message he was trying to convey. Based on comments from…
SAF: Notes
Observations during my visit: The often used term by Microsoft employees, cool (or is it kewl?) to describe their new features, has been out paced by mash-up to describe their new style of application composition. Clouds was another term that had frequent usage. I pondered if there were different kinds of clouds? White fluffy clouds…
SAF: Day 3
in: ConferenceMicrosoft Dynamics in the Live Era, Satya NadellaSatya suggested that historically most systems solutions are applied against data management and business process problems. In this presentation he defined the last mile as being about personal productivity, an area currently not fully addressed. The vision presented is to connect personal productivity tools to data management and…