Tag: 2025-01 Interesting Photographs

  • “Rundfahrten”

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    Looking at old photographs it is often difficult to figure out when and where they were taken. In these cases, one needs to look at the objects in the picture. Automobiles provide good clues, yet these clues often point you in unexpected directions. This post begins a series of posts on using automobiles to elicit…

  • The Boarding House

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    The Boarding House

    My Grandfather, Fritz Hertha, received his Abitur in 1911. He would have been 18 years old. He then worked for his uncle, Albin Hertha, who was a doll manufacturer. Max Hertha, Fritz’s father, worked for the American chainstore, F.W. Woolworths, and was involved in exporting toys, dolls and other things, to the United States. On…

  • Interesting Pictures

    Interesting Pictures

    This picture, a sequence of three photographs, has for some reason intrigued me since I first saw it some time ago. It was in my grandparents photo album and set among all the stills of individuals, families, landscapes, etc. this one stands out. In part it is that as a sequence it conveys a sense…

  • New Year’s Resolutions

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    New Year’s Resolutions

    We often use this time at the beginning of each year for reflection and prediction (or pontification). The punditocracy relishes packaging these into “top 10” lists.   There seems to be one for almost everything, which leads me to think there might be some cognitive quirk in our human nature that urges us to categorize and order…