Tag: Bokeh

  • Bokeh #5

    Bokeh #5

    Another shot in the snowflake series, although with a different template.  While the template is more detailed this results in the shape being less defined.   This leaves open a broader interpretation as to what…

  • Bokeh #4

    Bokeh #4

    A simplified, if not recognizable snowflake: Panasonic DMC-G1; Konica AR Hexanon 135mm f/3.2; ISO 100; 1/25 sec.

  • Bokeh #3

    Bokeh #3

    Today’s shape is the heart … may be a bit on the schmaltzy side, but I went for it anyway.  

  • Bokeh #2

    Bokeh #2

    In this try I’ve shaped the bokeh more closely to the normal five-pointed star. Previously I used some oddly-shapped skewed-six-pointed-star shape Panasonic DMC-G1, Konica AR Hexanon 135mm f/3.2; ISO 100; 1/40

  • Christmas Lights

    Christmas Lights

    It’s that time of year, when the lights come out.  Not that I’m one to follow such traditions. The kids are gone. Generally when the time is right the temperature is low and the wind…