Tag: Book Project
Book Project: #14 Taking Pictures
in: PhotographyIt is worth pointing out that the first discussion about taking pictures comes only at the 14th entry. One reason for this late arrival goes back to one of my objectives: plan before shoot. So at this point, I have a number of themes, keywords, symbols, etc. that can direct what I should shoot. …
Book Project: #13 Clouds
in: PhotographySo many thoughts: themes, contrasts; words; symbols … Organizing and making sense of it all; getting the confusion under control is a challenge. I’ve created word clouds to pull things together; to help me abstract out the essence.
Book Project: #12 What’s the Title?
in: PhotographyI need a title. It will set the context for the reader. For me too. My working title is “The Impact of Globalization on Local Cultures: Or How I learnt to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.” The subtitle is taken from Dr. Strangelove. It will need to change, but it’s a start and it will…
Book Project: #11 The Spine
in: PhotographyI was reading Sheila Curran Bernard’s work Documentary Storytelling where she refers to the notion of narrative spine: that single thread that drives the film forward from beginning to end. I think I need to create a spine; something that will guide the reader through and hold things together. The spine can further act as…
Book Project: #10 It’s Getting Complicated
in: PhotographyI was reading an article by Melanie Friend: Representing Immigration Detainees: The Juxtaposition of Image and Sound in Border Country published in Forum: Qualitative Social Research, Vol. 11 No.2 Art. 33, May 2010 and I was struck by how she was able to simplify a complex issue into a form both simple in concept and impactful…