Tag: Book Project

  • Book Project: #4 Objectives


    The priority of this Work is to learn from the experience of doing; it is less about the content, storyline or novelty of the book itself.  To help maintain that focus, and avoid going off track, I have developed a set objectives:  1. Apply Key Theories: 2. Composition and Movement Techniques: 3. Display Techniques: 4.…

  • Book Project: #3 Example of Structuring

    Book Project: #3 Example of Structuring

    The Americans, by Robert Frank, is now considered one of the best photography books ever made.  There are many reviews of the book, which I don’t intend to compete with.  My purpose here is to look at the Work, and how it applied the theoretical constructs noted in the earlier posting, as an example and…

  • Book Project: #2 Theory and Practice


    A photography book can be done by simply taking some collection of photographs and assigning them across the pages without consideration of order or any other factors.  Lightroom can do this with the Auto Layout button.  However, if the author wants to tell a story,  provoke some thought, discussion, raise issues or highlight concerns, then…

  • Book Project: #1 Book Style


    For my course on Documentary Media, I need to prepare a photography “book.”  The requirements are that it include about 20 pictures and 200+ words of text. We have the option of having the result printed by a book printer (e.g., Blurb) or making the book ourselves.  I found the thought of making a book…