Mount Rushmore

After spending the night in Rapid City South Dakota, Sunday morning we drove to Mount Rushmore.

Although entrance is free, parking is $11.- However, as we arrived before 8:00AM the entrance gate was unoccupied, and thus all was free.

We walked the approximately 1 kilometre Presidential Trail that is more precisely in part a wooden boardwalk or a concrete and stone covered path with about 500 stairs evenly distributed between up and down (these data are important when travelling with an 88 year old). The trail started at the Visitor’s Centre and defined a circular route that ran by the rubble field under the noses of the founding fathers. They are referred to as the Founding Fathers, although the inclusion of Rosevelt and Lincoln stretches the description in my uninformed-on-the-subject mind. 

We left the scene at 9:00AM, just as the crowds began to arrive. It all worked out quite well.  

Mount Rushmore

A couple of observations: first, I can see why the Lakota considered the Black Mountains–the area where Mount Rushmore is located–a sacred area; they are spectacular. Second, anyone who has visited the Yellow Mountains in China will recognize the rock formations.

This area is certainly worthy of further exploration. 


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