Year: 2019

  • Analyzing vs Experiencing the Dreamscape


    My current project is an exploration into travel that I intend here requires understanding a bit more digging. Again, drawing upon the work Qualitative Research in Tourism : Ontologies, Epistemologies and Methodologies, edited by Lisa Goodson, and Jenny Phillimore, several questions come to mind. Those related to context (place) and the offerings (hosts): Those that…

  • Jasper by Matthew Genitempo

    Jasper by Matthew Genitempo

    Jasper conflicts me.  The aesthetics of the landscape imagery, pleasant in my mind, jars with the hillbilly topic. It’s a topic that strikes me as having run its course; the images feel cliché. This might be a consequence of my frequent visits to the Blue Mountains in Georgia; many of the pictures seem familiar.  …

  • The Politics of Anger


    I subscribe to five news outlets: The Globe & Mail, The Toronto Star, iPolitics, The New York Times, and The CBC. Reflecting on these outlets, I observe broadly they offer two types of content: news and opinion. The former is usually observational, and factual. The latter ranges from analytical pieces that develop the facts of…

  • Democracy in an Era of Globalization

    Democracy in an Era of Globalization

    At its core, democracy is a means of resolving disagreements and, it is hoped, coming to a decision. It intends to guide us from a place of division to one of alignment. Reality may be less utopian, but ideally there is acceptance of the outcome, if not only because there is trust in the process.…