Light and Tradition

After six months of days, each with diminished light over the previous, it is reasonable to make a connection between the events we celebrate now and the turn around towards days with increasing light (whether that be physical or spiritual). As a tool for capturing light, it seems to me, that photography is the appropriate technology to record the event, and decked out with lights, and things that sparkle, the Christmas Tree seems to be the ideal subject.

Christmas, Christmas Ornament, Christmas Tree, Colorful, Content, Dark, Event, Event - Holiday, Household Item, Nature, Photography, Plant, Thing

My great-grandparents were manufacturers of toys and Christmas ornaments, from about the turn of the century (1900) until the Second War. As the story goes, some of the ornaments that I have where made in their factory and brought from Germany by my grandparents when they migrated to Canada in 1929. Results of the limited research I did corroborate the story to the extent that the ornaments appear typical of those from 1930s Germany. As such, they provide to me a more tangible and personal thread woven into the fabric of tradition.


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