Category: A Day in the Life
This subject covers things (often events) related to every-day life. They are not necessarily profound, but simply things that just happen.
Modern Times
Bob Dylan’s new album; OK, so I don’t intend on buying an iPod, but the album isn’t bad. Over the years my appreciation of Dylan’s music has grown. I prefer his rock/blues style over the folk/acoustic one. Also, his raspier voice has more appeal. Just as with age where the taste buds need more spice…
Are they after me?
Bob Dylan selling iPods. You can see the full commercial on the Apple Web site. He’s looking old, but I guess that’s part of the sell.
Entry 339
I have been able to add in many of the capabilities that I dropped in my initial move to the new blogging platform. For example you will see the news items in the right column have returned. I think I’ll hold off on the Flickr badge until later, but it is easily added. As the…
The Linda File
I digitized some pictures of Linda, and loaded them into my photo album. Unfortunately, the company that hosts my photos has a 10 meg restriction so some of the photos are smaller. Linda attended a Catholic Girls School, St. Clare’s, in Hong Kong. Sister Lorraine was from Quebec and has since returned to Lennoxville.
My post the other day on my goal to reach 170 lbs prompted some feedback. Mostly related to managing my diet. To that end I was sent a link to The Calorie Counter. I’ve stopped drinking beer and anything that has calories (except for coffee with cream). I did note that orange juice has more…