Category: A Day in the Life
This subject covers things (often events) related to every-day life. They are not necessarily profound, but simply things that just happen.
I would like to get down to 170 pounds. In April I weighed in at 194. Realising that my exercise program needed a change, as there was no progress towards the goal, I resumed spinning. I started spinning three years ago and continued for about a year. It was reasonably successful. In April I started…
Home improvement Update #9
We are now preparing for phase 3. Phase 1 was building out the closet area; phase 2 focused on the washroom. Phase 3 will address the sleeping area. This phase will be less disruptive than the first two, involving mostly painting. But I am going to get an HDTV. The question is how to pick…
The Demo
I have been one in a crowd of what seemed like a thousand people watching Bill Gates give a demonstration that failed miserably. When I was in software support, the biggest fear was giving live demonstrations. One day, many years ago, I flew down to Omaha to install a new system. The account had been…
The endless day
The overhead is projecting screens of the application. The text is in some small font making it unreadable even on a 15 foot display. The moderator drones on about the purpose of each field and each option for each field. The screen has 10 fields. After about 5 minutes the first field is completed. Another…
Home improvement Update #8
We returned home last night to a mostly completed washroom. The labourers ran out of caulking so they will have to return today to complete the task. The only major element remaining is installation of the mirror, which we have yet to purchase. We decided to wait until we had everything else installed so we…