Category: A Day in the Life

This subject covers things (often events) related to every-day life. They are not necessarily profound, but simply things that just happen.

  • uPod, iDon’t


    Coming into the office this morning, I found myself being one of four people in the elevator, and the only one without an iPod. I have an MP3 player, although it is not an iPod, but I don’t listen to it all that much. May be I have yet to incorporate it into my life…

  • Home improvement Update

    Home improvement Update

    We have now settled on all the components for our bathroom and bedroom closet. A long process that I first talked about April 2. Settling the closet area was the first step; settling the bathroom area was more complicated. There are more pieces and colours to co-ordinate. I have included photographs of the major element…

  • The case of the missing button

    The case of the missing button

    Sherlock Holmes once correctly determined that a man was a bachelor as he wore different coloured socks. The logic being that a good wife would have prevented this error from happening. Interesting logic, but what does it say about men? Recently it was pointed out to me that I was missing a button on my…

  • 5:09-5:12AM


    I downloaded 82.6meg. Under three minutes. The download speed bounced around 550KB/sec. There seems to be some improvement.

  • Centre Street Deli

    Centre Street Deli

    For those who have lived in Montreal, or are familiar with the Deli culture of that city, the names Ben’s, Schwartz’s, Dunn’s will be familiar. Known for their smoked meat and corned beef, not for the decor. However, that does not mean they lack ambiance; quite the contrary. There is some combination of furnishings–sometime “retro”…