Category: Enterprise Architecture

A review or comment on a paper, concept, etc related to Enterprise Architecture.

  • Is it really less expensive?


    CIO Magazine recently published an article Eight Financial Reasons Why You Should Use Mac OS – – Business Technology Leadership. Broadly speaking the article observed two relative benefits over Windows-based machines: increased productivity and lower TCO (Total Cost of Ownership). Among many other findings, the authors concluded that Mac creative professionals were producing $26,000…

  • Mental note: stick with standards


    A recent article “iPhone threatens Microsoft hegemony” in speculated that by 2008 there will be some 7 million windows-based mobile devices in circulation and 10 million iPhones. For those that have to deploy to these platforms there will be a trade off between leveraging the capabilities specific to the device (but then in doing…

  • SOA and Web services


    ZapThink has returned to the conclusion that Web services and Services Oriented Architectures are different things [1]: Perhaps the most aggravating of misperceptions surrounding Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) in the marketplace is that SOA and Web Services are the same thing. This point of confusion is unfortunately quite widespread, affecting architects and developers, consultants and vendors…

  • Enterprise Architecture as Strategy

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    Enterprise Architecture as Strategy

    I wrote on this some time ago (see here) and now there is a short video of a presentation on a key concept of the book: the operating model.An Operating Model offers a means or a framework for understanding and then describing a company’s way of doing business. Interesting information, but useful only if one…

  • Enterprise Architecture as Strategy, Jeanne W. Ross, et al.

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    Enterprise Architecture as Strategy, Jeanne W. Ross, et al.

    The authors ask would you like your business to have: No doubt the answer to all of these is yes. But whether this book is relevant to a particular company lies in the answers to the following questions: In this book the authors refer to Enterprise Architecture as a model describing the key elements –…