Category: Humour

Something funny or a humorous perspective on some topic or thing.

  • Diving School


    When Australia lost to Italy on a penalty kick with 12 seconds remaining in World Cup Soccer play certainly there was some disappointment on the Australian team [1]. But it was the reason for the penalty kick that upset them the most: it was the opinion of many that Italy’s Fabio Grosso took a dive–purposely…

  • To Do Lists

    To Do Lists

    A colleague uses little yellow stickies, attached to her PC screen to keep track of her to-do list. I use Outlook, that fine product from Microsoft. Both offer that sense of satisfaction one gets in recording the to-do. Recording one’s to-do’s is key in being effective; as well it provides its own sense of satisfaction;…

  • Amazon 1-click Bankrupts Area Parkinson’s Suffer

    Amazon 1-click Bankrupts Area Parkinson’s Suffer

    My secrete source advised me that the Onion is reporting the above travesty [1]; it just goes to show the subtle devices used to wring the last cent out of the unsuspecting.

  • Again


    May be he should have loaded Vista from scratch?

  • Perception is reality


    An article published in, Apple Gets a Big Slice of Product-Placement Pie, notes: some would argue that the appearances of Apple products on TV and in movies are disproportionate to real life. While iPods, iMacs and iBooks are seemingly everywhere on-screen, Apple computers have less than 5 percent of the U.S. computer market. However,…