• Puppet Makers

    Puppet Makers

    I recall my grandmother talking about going to the Leipzig fair, before the first war. Her father owned and operated a toy factory. Her future husband, Fritz Hertha, was the nephew of Albin Hertha, who also…

  • When Winning Isn’t Winning

    When Winning Isn’t Winning

    To measure the success of a political debate, one might use some key metrics: So, did Trump win the recent debate with Biden? Opinions land on both sides, but it’s clear Democrats saw Biden’s performance in…

  • Melting GOP

    Melting GOP

    Throwing water on the Trump campaign.

  • Dux Vitæ Ratio

    Dux Vitæ Ratio

    My my, what has happened. New life, even vigour, has been injected into the moribund US Election campaign. It really is startling, largely, in my view, that it actually happened; that a leader recognized the risk…

  • Flooding


    Worried about my maple tree I asked an arborist to take a look. He asked if I had an irrigation system. I confirmed I did, but I also noted that I had not used it because…