Tag: Large Format

  • Large Format – Second Shot

    Large Format – Second Shot

    I took this following the shot of the condominiums. The key learning from this shot was related to depth of field. This one, taken at f/22 appears to be in focus across the visible plane. While the lens is able to shoot at f/64, by that point diffraction sets in, introducing some softness. Having said that,…

  • Large Format – First Shot

    Large Format – First Shot

    I waited for a day where the temperature was above freezing before I went over to a local park. It’s much easier to set things up without having to wear gloves, etc. There were a few learnings from this experience:

  • A Comparison of Methods – Updated

    A Comparison of Methods – Updated

    Several years ago I post an initial draft ofΒ A Comparison of Methods. Here I have an update. The purpose of this chart is to offer some sense of the benefits that come with the differences of each of the technologies.

  • Large Format – Revisited

    Large Format – Revisited

    It’s been several years since I last posted something specifically on large format cameras. The motivation now is that I recently purchased an adapter allowing me to connect my [digital] medium format camera to my large format Tachihara field camera. The rationale for this move includes process reliability and access to the capabilities of a…

  • A Comparison of Methods

    in: ,
    A Comparison of Methods

    I currently work with four different types of camera: iPhone, Digital Rangefinder, Medium Format (120 film) and Large Format (4×5 film sheets).  Each one offers a different experience largely influenced by their physical nature (size, weight, etc.) and the level of automation they offer; the more capable the camera, the lower is the number of steps that…