Year: 2020
A Wedding in COVID Times
Weddings take a lot of time to plan. Halls, where a reception might take place, often require reservations a year in advance. My daughter’s wedding certainly followed that path. My son and daughter-in-law’s wedding was also following in that line. But then COVID came along. No groups of more than 10, no travel, no, no,…
Monumental Battles
in: DocumentaryFor those unfamiliar with “Custer’s Last Stand”, the simple story is that in 1876 a troop of 7th US Cavalry, led by George Armstrong Custer, were wiped out by the “Indians.” The truth is of course a little more complex, and more ambiguous, than the popular narrative suggests (see Wikipedia for a comprehensive overview; Smithsonian Magazine…
Project “Just a Few Bad Apples” Update
in: DocumentaryIt has been just over 2 months since starting this project. My wife is starting to ask questions about what we should do with the apples in the living room. I guess I could wrap up the project now, I have got 2 apples that are clearly rotten … but a few is usually considered…
Theoretical Frameworks
For the past few months, like so many others, I have been reflecting on this whole COVID experience and trying to make sense of it, more specifically, what is the point of it all? When I get the answer, I’ll let you know. The obvious question I face is how do you take pictures that…
Human Kindness
in: ObservationIs Human kindness a weapon in electoral conflict? I used to scoff at American’s focus on the character of the individual politician in preference to their policy. Since Trump, my views have changed. It appears, from personal observation, that regardless of the stated policy, whether it will be implemented depends not only on getting government…