Year: 2020

  • Maquette


    A few months ago I prepared a draft / working copy of my book Homes and Gardens. This is by no means the final version; just one version to see what the work looked like in print. I have printed an edition previously, using a commercial printer, but I was unsatisfied with the results. I…

  • Baby-Led Feeding

    in: ,
    Baby-Led Feeding

    My granddaughter has been feeding herself for the last month or so … approaching 8 months old, she has added the third stage of a three-tier feeding architecture to her routine: baby-led feeding; spoon-fed; and the good old fashion way. I find it interesting how the trajectory of computing has altered the process of child…

  • Kayfabe


    As young teenagers, my brother and I watched a lot of professional wresting. I still remember the wrestler Mad Dog Vachon. Wrestling brought kayfabe into my life. TV scaled the delivery of wrestling bringing it into the lives of millions of people. In professional wrestling, kayfabe (pronounced KAY-fayb; IPA: Template:IPA) refers to the portrayal of events within the industry as real,…

  • Ties to Reality

    Ties to Reality

    Knowing which way is up is important to me. I have heard that this is particularly important for deep-sea divers.     There are many touchstones: friends, culture, routine, train schedules, … A lack of touchstones leaves us with ambiguity ambiguity makes us uncertain, unable or unwilling to act a clear set of laws —…

  • Mezzotints


    Some years ago, I came across the book, Color Mezzotints, by Yozo Hamaguchi. Mezzotinting is a method of printing, often used in the past to reproduce paintings. Mezzotints interest me less than the art produced by Hamaguchi. What interests me is the minimalist representation of an ordinary object, in isolation of all other distractions.