Year: 2020

  • Bad Apples

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    Bad Apples

    I am now several days into my project, Just a Few Bad Apples. To set the record straight, this image documents the starting state of the test bowl of apples.

  • Leadership

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    The COVID-19 experience is about several things. One of them is leadership. To confront the inequalities and reshape our social narratives requires the will of the people to force movement, to push forward the change, and to persist over the long term. To make any change effective requires leadership to find the consensus, the balance…

  • What is the Cost of Lies?

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    It has been six weeks since my May 18th subway ride. At the time, I wanted to see if the trains and stations were as empty as reports had indicated, and if so, what it was like. I summarise what I saw a few days later in a note Union to Finch, where the title…

  • Systemic Inequalities

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    Systemic Inequalities

    The COVID-19 experience is about several things. One of them is systemic inequality. As a need for rebalancing became recognised and specific imbalances emerged, it became apparent how deep and broad they were.  Favouritism is built into our laws, zoning, and culture, defining what is right and wrong. Social narratives evolved to articulate those aspirations:…