Category: Humour

  • Abalone


  • Captain Marvel

    Captain Marvel

    In the satire The problem is the human heart. Itโ€™s not guns, columnist Alexandra Petri, of the Washington Post, pokes fun at newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson for his comment: โ€œThe end of the…

  • Bathroom Reading

    Bathroom Reading

    Bathrooms, where utility, literature and luxury collide, are often places to read, or maybe nowadays, to scroll. Traditionally, shorter items have been preferred, such as an article in a magazine, newspaper, or even a book…

  • The Thief
    , ,

    The Thief

    According to Politico, Donald Trump earned over $7 million in sales, from various merchandize he sold that included his mug shot. Some have asked whether this is a copyright infringement, as Trump is not the owner of…

  • Presidential Portraits

    Presidential Portraits

    Top-row, left to right: Millard Fillmore (5), Warren G. Harding (2), Zachary Taylor (9), William Henry Harrison (6), John Tyler (7) Bottom-row, left to right: Andrew Johnson (3), Franklin Pierce (4), Donald Trump, James Buchanan…