Category: Humour

  • The Gazebo

    The Gazebo

    Ah, fair Thornhill, a village so picturesque it would make a postcard jealous. There on the edge of the precipice of Windy Hill park, named for the gusts that seemed to have a personal vendetta…

  • Imagination


    A big thing in photography is the notion of pre-visualization. That is, you see a scene or something in front of you and you imagine what that might look like as a photograph. One could…

  • AI and the End of Humanity

    AI and the End of Humanity

    There are many expressing concerns about the ascent of Artificial Intelligence and the effect on the arts, manufacturing, work, life styes, and more broadly on humanity [1]. At the nub of many of the concerns…

  • 800 Kelvin Degrees

    800 Kelvin Degrees

    I recently published the following to Instagram: Yesterday I became one of those people who wear those massive all enclosing sunglasses, sometimes called “coverups”, that completely cover the eyes and edges, preventing any stray light…

  • High Altitude Objects

    High Altitude Objects

    It seems High Altitude Objects — HAOs — are a common occurrence. Another, the second in a week, was shot down yesterday. CNN has talked in terms of a fleet of these things, although to…